Stunning (almost) family of four {Cedar Rapids maternity photographer}
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Stunning (almost) family of four {Cedar Rapids maternity photographer}

The O family’s maternity session was SO much fun!  We really lucked out with the weather – it can be dicey in April in Iowa, but we managed to catch a sunny, warm evening out at Morgan Creek Arboretum.  Big sister Adleah loved collecting sticks and pretending to plant a garden – so cute!  Mom…

Gorgeous family of three {Cedar Rapids child photographer}

Gorgeous family of three {Cedar Rapids child photographer}

The W family was just perfection!  Our little girls have become the best of friends over the past couple years, and gorgeous Emmy had so much fun playing with her parents during their family session!  We went out to Squaw Creek Park – I had never been, but there are really some gorgeous settings there!  Emmy’s…